Sunlight is not the friendliest thing to our skin. Constant exposure to sunlight can significantly affect the health and appearance of the skin. For example, overexposure to sunlight leads to accelerated aging and the risk of a variety of diseases.
In such conditions, it is essential to provide your skin with protection. The best way to do this is to use sunscreens like creams or sprays. In this article we want to talk about how to choose the right sunscreen cosmetics, what you need to pay attention to when choosing and what features these products may have.
The right approach to protecting the skin from the negative effects of sunlight will help to preserve its health and attractive appearance as long as possible.
The main aggressive factor of sun exposure is ultraviolet radiation. Not only do they cause surface burns, but they can penetrate deep into the tissues, leading to a variety of long-term damage, one of which is “photo-aging”.
Photo-aging is the process of collagen breakdown and loss in skin tissue. When collagen is lost, the skin loses elasticity, and with that comes wrinkles, age spots, and a whole host of other problems.
In addition to the actual external changes, sun exposure can lead to cancer. The more sunburns a person gets, the higher the likelihood of melanoma and other forms of cancer, especially later in life. For this reason, sunscreens are not only cosmetic in nature, but also keep skin healthy for as long as possible.
Deeply penetrating ultraviolet radiation can cause harm even in cloudy weather. Surely some of you have experienced the sun getting hot even when completely hidden behind clouds. For this reason, choosing sunscreen for daily use should come naturally to those who want to keep their skin in good condition for as long as possible.
Sun Protection Factor is the number that demonstrates the degree of protection offered by a cosmetic product. It basically affects the rate at which you can get a sunburn.
The higher the SPF number, the longer and better the product will protect you from the sun. However, it is worth considering that the protection time is very conditional and depends on other factors including skin type, skin color, sun intensity and so on. Therefore, one cream can help two different people, although similar, but still differently.
It is important to realize that conventional products protect against sunburn, but do not stop the spectrum of radiation that penetrates deeply into the skin. For this reason, it is necessary to choose products that can protect against all harmful types of solar radiation.
The whiter the skin - the higher the SPF level needed to protect it. For example, very fair skin on a sunny day will require a protection level of 30 to 50. At the same time, swarthy skin is less affected by direct sun exposure and therefore SPF levels 15-30 can be used. Most of the sunscreens are ranging from 10 up to 50.
It's easy to remember: lower the number, less protection you get. Whiter your skin - more protection you need.
The choice of sun protection cosmetics depends on several factors, including skin type, sun exposure and individual preferences.
The right cosmetics will not only protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun's rays, but will also help improve its appearance and condition. Here are a few types of products to incorporate into your skin care regimen:
When choosing sunscreen cosmetics, it's also important to consider the product's water resistance if you plan to spend time by the water or actively participate in sports. Regular reapplication of sunscreen every two hours, as well as after swimming or heavy perspiration, is key to effectively protecting your skin from the sun's harmful effects.